About Me

I have a Master of Arts  in Classics, a Master of Theology in Church History, and a Ph.D. jointly in both fields. These facts alone will give you a clue about the person who’s writing the posts on this blog.

Primarily, I think of myself as a Classicist. The field of Classics is the study of the Graeco-Roman world, from as far back as archaeology will take us to c. A.D. 500.  I have read lots of Latin and Greek texts and know a thing or two about ancient history and Classical civilisation.  The Classical world is the foundation for all subsequent western thought, art, tradition, law, etc., and is well worth your time to learn about it.  Read this post at my other blog: Classics for the Non-Classicist: 10 Books to Start.

Of course, I am more than a Classicist, considering the content on this blog (though there is You Should Read the Iliad).  As a Classicist, my research took me in the direction Late Antiquity, and once there, I was drawn into the world of the Desert Fathers (my page on them here), the first Christian monks.  This was combined with a true, deep, abiding love for Christ, stemming from a lifetime in the Anglican Church (chiefly the “charismatic” and “evangelical” elements thereof), which led me to spend a year in Cyprus, where I met the Orthodox and the Philokalia for the first time; and Richard Foster’s book Prayer that showed me a way of entering the Father’s embrace that drew upon the vast tradition of Christianity — Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, European, New World, African, Asian.

My Ph.D. dissertation is a study of the manuscript tradition of Pope St Leo the Great, a central figure to western Christology and canon law who helped engineer the Council of Chalcedon in 451 and whose teaching on the dual natures of Christ is officially embraced by the Church universal, Roman Catholic as well as Eastern Orthodox (but not the “Miaphysites” [Coptic & Ethiopian Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, and Armenian Apostolic] or the “Nestorian” Church of the East), including all mainstream, Trinitarian Protestants (whether they realise it or not! – and, that is to say, not fringe/heretical movements that reject the Trinity).

And so I have been seeking to immerse myself more deeply in the Great Tradition ever since, drawing from the well that other believers have frequented for almost 2000 years, seeking the wisdom of the past in my Christian life just as I have sought it as a scholar.  I am still Anglican (though I spent seven years worshipping with Presbyterians), still love the Bible, still love the Sacraments, still love hymns, still love charismata, and now also love high liturgy, hesychasm, incense, my rosary, the intricacies of ancient Trinitarian and Christological thought, and the Jesus Prayer.

I live in England with my wife, our son, a growing personal library, two kilts, and a collection of Playmobil Vikings.

I go by three initials (formerly by “Scholiast”) here out of a paranoia of mine. I am currently applying to Classics Departments, not Divinity Schools. Sometimes, people in the secular university have a bias against Christians, especially those of us who wear our faith on our sleeves — an often unacknowledged bias, in fact. My fear is that a hiring committee may unconsciously hold a bias against me if a Google search brings them to this blog.

Meum nomen verum Matthew est.

Come journey with me into the Great Tradition that beckons and calls, infused with the life of the sevenfold Spirit of God.  May we join with the cherubim in their thrice-holy cry and hymn the Most Blessed and Most Glorious Trinity!

63 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Thanks for the blog. I stumbled across it today, while searching for blogs entries discussing Saint Ephrem the Syrian. I will definitely be coming back to read through more posts, since I have enjoyed reading many of the authors you are discussing. And many more, I hope to enjoy soon.

  2. I very much appreciated your work. Currently, I am a theology student at Toronto School of Theology. Have applied for a THM and will know if I am accepted late January. My area of study is Historical Theology/Patristics. Came across your blog while searching for hymns and prayers of St. Ambrose.

    Take care

  3. Thanks for this blog. I’m a doctoral student of Christian Spirituality at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley CA, studying for my History Comprehensive Exams. Blogging on these subjects helps me study. I came across this as I was blogging on Antony and the Desert Fathers and Mothers.
    It’s nice to come across a fellow blogger in this area. I’m also part of the Anglican church. I’m deforestlondon.wordpress.com. Thanks again!

    • Thanks for the comment! I’m glad you have found this blog helpful. May it continue in its helpfulness for time to come (but NOT unto ages of ages).

  4. I just discovered you today. Excellent website.
    As a parish pastor, I do not have much time to work on the web outside of specific research for sermons, etc. However as a (former) Missouri-Synod Lutheran, I am immersed in the classics (Latin, Greek, Hebrew required BEFORE Semnary). I may poke around here more regularly.

    On a more mundane note; maternally I am a Geddes of the Gordons (tartan and all). Are we hereditary friends, enemies, or too far distant to have ever historically interacted?

    • I am not sure of the relations between my ancestors and Clan Gordon. My Scottish ancestry is Erskine and Balfour. Balfours are Lowlanders, so I doubt there was much contact, friendly or otherwise, with the Gordons. All I know of Erskine relations is the … unfriendly contact with Farquharson. While Gordon lands border with Farquharson, Erskines are centred more southerly, just north of Stirling. Who knows?

  5. Thank you very much for your blog. I’m currently working on Middle English sermons for a wedding ceremony and consulted your translation of the Sarum Missal for the order of consecration of marriage. I’m trying to figure out at what moment of the consecration the priest could actually have delivered such sermons. Could you please be of any help? Thank you very much again!

    • Ariane,

      Thanks for your comment! I actually have no idea where the sermon would be. This is one thing that I have been generally unsure of with many mediaeval ceremonies. The BCP also lacks a place for a sermon. All of a sudden, I can’t quite remember where it traditionally goes. I believe that at my wedding, as at HRH William’s this past Friday, the sermon slipped in between the Giving of the Ring and the prayers. Another option would be after the prayers and before the Mass.

      • Thank you so much for your prompt answer. I shall let you if ever I had another suggestion!

  6. Thanks for your blog, which I now subscribe to. I was grateful in particular for your explanation of typology. I had read how the saintly Austin Farrer lost his chance of the professorship by being too typological for the tastes then current, and I was immediately curious as to what was meant. Now I understand.

  7. Hello,

    Just came across your blog when browsing recent WP posts on Church Fathers. I’m interested in Classic Christian sites and find your blog helpful. FYI, the “Anglican Library” link in the side bar is broken.

    • Hi Nemo,

      Thanks for your kind words! I have fixed the link to the Anglican Library. Thanks for letting me know about it!

  8. Just found your blog and it is going to be a favourite. I belong to the Mystic Tradtion, Julian of Norwich was a great influence on me, as I also lived in Norwich. Now I live in Scotland. I hope you may like to check my blog out too-Livinginthemonasterywithoutwalls

    • Hi Stephanie. I’m just popping over to your blog now (only 3.5 yrs late…). Thanks for stopping by — I hope Lady Julian continues to bless you.

  9. Very well spoken. All your master and phb really dont mean much when it comes to faith in jesus by whom we are saved him and him alone. Where do we find that it is found in scripter and only scripter alone.We as saint know all are answer are in scripter and it show us how to worship and when And in the manner Of worship.know if you want to say or have the opinion. Of it dosent say not to do this we will have a carnival with man made music. Big screen tv and self help services rather than the worship of the lord. Wait that is what is going on in. The church today so to say or give opinion on scripter as a man that is totally deprived in being is worng and against. Are lord

    • Dear Chaps,

      Thank you for your comment. I agree that my degrees are as nothing compared with the glorious riches of knowing our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I merely mention them as a point of reference. This is part of who I am, as much as years as a trucker and farmer are part of who my wife’s grandfather are. It is faith in Our Lord and His presence in our lives that really matters.

      I also agree that Scripture matters. As a baptised and bred and Protestant by choice, I believe that Scripture contains all things necessary for salvation and is our surest and best means of coming to know about God and learn of His character and ways. Without Scripture, no matter how interesting a person’s philosophy is, it cannot even come close to the heights of the Truth of our God. And He himself — He is beyond all opinion and all guessing and all theologising, anyway. What matters is knowing Him through Scripture and through prayer, ever turning to Him in all circumstances.

      • Thank you.May we always ask for illumination when conversing in scripture.May the holy ghost give the strength to take are self out of the situation so we can understand thank you and god bless. I’ll be around

  10. Hi
    I’ve just stumbled on your blog. It looks v. inter.. but will save for later to read carefully.
    For the time being, to any one interested, there’s going to be a one-day seminar at the Univ of Cambridge(UK) Inst of Orthodox Studies, on the hymnology of St. Ephrem the Syrian by Dr. Sebastian Brock (Uni. of Oxf’d.) on Saturday 16th Feb 2013.

  11. Nice to read through. I did my licence at Sant’Anselmo, Rome in monastic fathers. i am going to take some classes for junior monks and nuns; could you send me some recent research work on monastic fathers.
    thank you.
    Fr. Showraiah osb. showraiah@yahoo.com

    • Hi Sarah,

      Glad you like this blog. I meant to respond to your comment earlier but didn’t. On what would you like to get in touch?

  12. An Anglican who worships with Presbyterians and says the rosary and treasures the sacraments? Now that’s eclectic. I’d like to see exactly how you make all those pieces work together. Anyway, I enjoy the blog. God bless!

    • Update on my rosary: I still have it, lovely olive wood creature that it is, but one bead broke, and I now have a much more portable chomboschini (courtesy of an Orthodox priest) that doesn’t have a tendency to get snagged on things or come apart in my pocket. And, of course, is used for the Jesus Prayer.

    • In which university are you doing your doctorate? and please may I ask what subject? I dream of one day doing a doctorate in the history of the Syriac Orthodox Ch in Kerala, India.

      best Sarah Knight

      On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 7:26 PM, the pocket scroll wrote:

      > ** > PJ commented: “That makes more sense.” >

      • Hi, Sarah! Sorry I haven’t responded to your original comment. Busyness and forgetfulness are a dangerous combination. I am at Edinburgh doing my PhD on the manuscripts of Pope Leo I’s letters.

  13. I love the direction of this blog. As a fellow Canadian currently doing an M.Th in systematic theology at University of Aberdeen who shares your love of the church fathers and preference for Paleo-orthodoxy as the way forward (or rather backwards…) for Christianity, I sincerely hope we cross paths some day. All the best.

  14. What a wonderful blog. It is a rarity now to find a blogger that can draw the readers into the articles and help them have a clear visualization that the writer hopes to present to the audience. You have a gift that few have. Like C.S. Lewis, Tolkien and earlier writers you make me hope the posts you write don’t end quickly. I have my degree in Religion and going to start my master’s degree so I like to see what scholars write about and honestly with most of them I would rather drink vinegar that suffer through their attempts to impress others with their knowledge. Well done and like the Terminator I will be back.

    • Hi Greg! So glad you like this blog so much. I’ve been writing here for several years, so there’s lots to be found. I try to save impressing others with my knowledge for getting into conferences and getting stuff published. 😉

  15. I stumbled upon your blog today because I was looking for the lyrics to one of Gayle Salmond’s songs. I liked the title of your blog when it came up in the Google results and I am glad I followed the link. My 2nd oldest’s son’s middle name is “Bede” named after the Venerable Bede. I’ve just finished reading about 3 posts and I’ll do some more reading from your blog when I’m not using my phone. Thank you for spending your time writing. 🙂

    • rainphire,

      I am so glad you have enjoyed this blog that you stubmled upon! The Venerable Bede is a worthy man to name a son after. 🙂 I hope you find more here to inspire.

  16. MJH, thank you for this particular article. So many ‘Christians’ are seemingly so obsessed with the ‘Wrath of God’, they fail to see that the primary heart and essence of God is Love. If only we Christians could see that the heart of the Gospel is shown in the New Commandment of Jesus, that we love one another as He has loved us.

    I remember a fellow Franciscan, in his preaching, once asking the large congregation, “How much does God love us?”. With no response, he simply stretched his arms out wide – in the form of a Cross – and said: “This much”.

    Peace and All Joy!

    • Our Orthodox Priest has done this so often with the little ones in the Greek school that he only now has to look thoughtful and say, “I wonder how much…” and the children all fling their arms out sideways with a grin from ear to ear – so sweet!

  17. Hi. Would you be able to tell me what language is in the scrolls of the images of the saints? I have one of these images, and I am attempting to identify it.
    Thank you,

    • Hi Jaime. It depends on the image. Usually it is in the language of the people/tradition who made it. Some images have Greek, some have Latin, others have Slavonic or Armenian or Coptic. Sorry I can’t be of more help — one would have to see the scroll to be able to identify the language. Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Hello,
    I’m a doctoral candidate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and I’m currently researching early iterations of the missa sicca (and more specifically, missa nautica). Do you know of any before 13th c Durand? Feel free to email directly.
    Many thanks,
    Rebecca Shores

  19. Hi!

    Found your site while searching for information on Ancient Christain Commentary. I’m just a little lamb trying to grow in my knowledge of Christ. I came from word of faith false teaching. Love Sacraments, hymns. I hope I can learn from your site. I want to read Church Fathers as they see Jesus differently then us. Do wish I could find a church though.
    Thank you for sure.

    • Hi julegate!

      Thanks for stopping by. I hope this blog can help you grow!! It can be hard to find a church with sound teaching and a rootedness in things ancient and sacramental, but I hope the Lord will bring you to one! 🙂

  20. I just found your blog this morning, and I am excited to explore it. I am wondering if you have heard of commentaries that Bede wrote. Approximately 10 years ago, i ran across some and have never been able to find them again.

  21. Been following your blog for awhile and just want to say thanks for your content. I get loads from it as someone raised evangelical but wanting to dig more into the Patristics and the ancient church.

    I’ve seen you mention elsewhere (I might be mistaken) that you associate with a non-existant form of Anglicanism? Could you unpack your own denominational conviction a bit more? I just ask as I’m trying to figure this out myself and feel like I slip somewhere between the cracks.

    Also I don’t know if you’ve seen http://www.patristics.co/ ? I would love to work towards something similar for early british Christian church but whilst I know of the desert fathers and the patristics in general – I’m stuck with Bede’s Ecclesiastical History for knowledge of the early british church. Can you provide any book recommendations which would give me an overview of the first missionaries to the british isles and any material we have from them? Is there an easy resource to map out Christian missions to the british isles over time? If not I’d love to make one that is publicly available, if for no other end than to educate myself. I can build it myself with little trouble but just need some help filling in my knowledge of the subject.

    Do you have an email address I could plug some questions your way?

    God bless you

    • Hi, Keith. Good questions all. I was raised in the Anglican Church of Canada, and I still self-identify as an Anglican. The problem is, I am an *actual*, honest-to-goodness Anglican who believes the 39 Articles of Religion and upholds the standards of doctrine, worship, and morals expressed in the Book of Common Prayer. When we lived in Toronto, my wife and I found Little Trinity Anglican Church a great blessing of evangelical Anglicanism in the heart of the city. Since moving to Scotland, however, I have found that most Scottish Episcopal churches I meet have jettisoned either the Prayer Book (if not liturgy altogether) or historic, orthodox teaching as espoused by Scripture and delineated by the 39 Articles. As a result of a fierce commitment to theological orthodoxy, I have found it easier to worship with the Free Church of Scotland simply because it’s not my own tradition but has a strong tradition of sound, biblical preaching. I have recently spent some of my Sundays away from home and at Rome where I go to the local Church of England (Diocese of Europe) parish, but because of my own issues and their own issues, it is often an uncomfortable experience for me. The lived reality of Anglicanism today is a hodge-podge and it is hard for those who embrace tradtional worship and traditional teaching to find much comfort there.

      Thanks for the link to the Patristics website; I’ll have to check it out. Most of what I know about the primary sources for early British Christianity can be found on the ‘Sources for “Celtic” Christianity’ page here. https://thepocketscroll.wordpress.com/classic-christianity/9-sources-for-celtic-christianity/ My main source for the early English missions is the Ven Bede. I’ll go through my notes to see if I can find anything else about early British Christianity…

      • Thanks for the quick response.

        I totally sympathise with your comments r.e the church of scotland/england currently. To be honest being raised in an evangelical church of england church I feel like I’ve only recently begun to discover Anglicanism for the first time – and that is mostly through the internet and voices like yourself or in books.

        I’ve tried to get into the BCP but it’s lost on me, particularly as a lay person as it seems so much is tied up into the liturgy of a sunday gathering. To be honest I don’t know anyone who uses it consistently so I have no idea who to talk to about getting stuck into it. Theologically I associate with Anglicanism but I worry if its an Anglicanism of the mind only, because my experience seems so far removed from my understanding of what its meant to be ‘in principle’. I’m keen to learn or talk out my questions but to be honest I know few people in person with a knowledge of historical Anglicanism and I’m eager to figure out a way to externalise my shifting attitudes and convictions on this.

        Thank you also for the link regarding early British Christianity I’ll be sure to comb through it.. and thank you again for the blog, I really enjoy reading it. Do you have any advice on getting familiar with the BCP?

      • Hi Keith! I’ve decided to send you along an e-mail, although I’ll probably blog about getting familiar with the BCP in a little while.

  22. Hello,

    I think I have found a kindred spirit in you here. I am a Methodist (though I have previously been Presbyterian, Baptist, Word of Faith charismatic, then Classical Pentecostal (Church of God), then Vineyard, then…nothing for a while…and now Methodist, which is what i have been for the past 20 years.

    I consider myself “Broadly Evangelical”. I am in that magical middle ground where I am too conservative for most Liberals, and too liberal for most Conservatives. (I like to say I piss off all the right people! LOL!)

    I have a bachelor’s degree in History, and an MDiv from Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham AL.

    I, like you, have a great interest in Church History, and in the theology of the early Church Fathers. Irenaeus is one of my favorites. I began learning about Eastern Christianity several years ago, and there is much about Eastern Orthodoxy that I like and respect.

    I am, by conviction, a Protestant, but much of my spirituality and my understanding of the Trinity and salvation comes from the Orthodox Christian tradition.

    I host a discussion forum on the Delphi Forums platform called “The Holy Trinity: Discussion and Debate”. I invite you to visit if you like. It is a debate forum, so sometimes there is contentious exchanges with folks who reject the Trinity. Come and check it out. http://forums.delphiforums.com/theholytrinity


    • Hi Secundus,

      Thanks for stopping by again! Indeed, we seem to have much in common. I should check out the forum before too long. I think of myself as a restless Anglican with eastern leanings. The local Greek Orthodox priest refers to me in similar terms…

      • A restless Anglican with Eastern leanings = sounds like the definition of an early Methodist.

        Did you know that the first tract written by John Wesley “Character of a Methodist” is based on Clement of Alexandria’s description of the perfect Christian in book 7 of Stromateis?

        Also, the famous Spiritual Homilies of Macarius play a significant role in early Methodism. The first volume of Wesley’s “A Christian Library” is a translation of the Macarian homilies (Pseudo-Macarius).

        More on Pseudo-Macarius:

        He is the author of writings handed down under the name Macarius of Egypt (thus Pseudo-Macarius) but also under Simeon, likely Simeon of Mesopotamia, a leader of the Messalians (Theodoret, C.H. 4.10).

        It is now known that the attribution to Macarius is incorrect. The author speaks frequently of the wars between Persians and Romans, which shows that he lived on the frontier between the two empires. He speaks only of a single river, the Euphrates, never of the Nile. The significant traces of Messalian tendency indicates a Mesopotamian, rather than an Egyptian. The manuscript tradition attributes the homilies to one Simeon, therefore it is customary to describe them under the name Macarius-Simeon.

        Among his works is the Epistola Magna (Great Letter), which was used by Gregory of Nyssa for his work, De Instituto Christiano (On the Christian Mode of Life).

        The Spiritual Homilies are ascribed in most MSS to Macarius of Egypt but in some MSS (incl. all the Arabic versions) to a certain Simeon. Some are homilies proper; some are in the form of questions and answers; some are letters.

        The homilies survive in Greek in four collections:

        Collection I, the most extensive, which begins with the Great Letter and contains 63 homilies.

        Collection II, the most popular, 50 Spiritual Homilies, of which two MSS contain seven additional homilies.

        Collection III, of 43 homilies, which largely overlap with I and II.

        Collection IV, of 26 homilies, all of which are to be found in I, for which it seems to have been a source.

        There are parallels between the homilies and the writings of the Cappadocians (Basil, Gregory Nyssa), Diadochus of Photike, Isaac of Nineveh, and the Liber graduum (Syriac Book of Steps).

        The first German translation of Macarius-Simeon by Gottfried Arnold had a decisive influence on German Pietism and later on English Methodism.

        Johann Arndt (1555-1621) known as the father of German Pietism and “prophet of interior Protestantism” is said to have learned the Macarian homilies by heart.

        In the Methodist Church, Macarius-Simeon is regarded highly for writing on the topic of Entire Sanctification.

        This explains why the early Methodist teaching on Entire Sanctification, also known as the Second Blessing, Baptism in the Spirit, perfect love, etc. is very similar to the Eastern teaching of theosis, apatheia (impassibility), purity of heart.

        From the Life of Francis Asbury:

        All Methodists in that day, after a conscious conversion (justification) began to seek for what they called the removal of the least and last remains of the carnal mind. This reveals the secret of the peculiar power which characterized their ministry. They did not backslide because they set their faces immediately after their conversion toward the Canaan of Perfect Love. This was the goal to which they all aspired. In Asbury’s ministry the doctrine of Perfect Love was constantly emphasized and to this can be attributed much of the marvelous results which attended it.

        From a letter by John Wesley:

        Where Christian perfection is not strongly and explicitly preached there is seldom any remarkable blessing from God and consequently little addition to the Society and little life in the members of it. Till you press the believers to expect full salvation you must not look for any revival.

        This doctrine of Christian Perfection was for John Wesley the central emphasis of the Methodist movement:

        Full sanctification is the grand depositum which God has lodged with the people called Methodists; and for the sake of propagating this chiefly He appeared to have raised us up.

        Wesley believed Methodism existed because God had given them the calling to spread the teaching of full sanctification.

        The work of God does not prosper where perfect love (Entire Sanctification) is not preached.

        Testimonies to Entire Sanctification are described in the lives and journals of early Methodists, in Wesley’s Arminian Magazine, How They Entered Canaan (HTEC). It is the teaching found in the writings of the Desert Fathers, Pseudo-Macarius, the Syriac Fathers, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Gregory Nyssa etc.

        The Methodist teaching is the eastern teaching of holiness domesticated (brought down to the common believer) and democratized (available to the common believer and to be expected).

        Methodists also stressed the teaching of “Assurance” or “Witness of the Spirit” that is found in the writings of Isaac of Nineveh, Macarius-Simeon and other eastern Fathers.

        Wesley: We mean that inspiration of Goďs Holy Spirit whereby He fills us with righteousness, peace, and joy, with love to Him and to all mankind. And we believe it cannot be, in the nature of things, that a man should be filled with this peace and joy and love by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit without perceiving it as clearly as he does the light of the sun. This is the main doctrine of the Methodists. This is the substance of what we all preach. And I will still believe none is a true Christian till he experiences it. This is the point for which
        alone I contend; and this I take to be the very foundation of Christianity.

        John Wesley taught in the two sermons on “The Witness of the Spirit” that it is the privilege of every believer to experience the witness of God’s Spirit with their spirit.

        Romans 8:15-16
        We have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba (Father). The same Spirit bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.

        2 Corinthians 1:12
        For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience!

        Romans 9:1
        I am speaking the truth in Christ, I am not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit.

        Wesley said that this great evangelical (eastern) truth had been recovered by the Methodists which had been for many years well-near lost and forgotten. The Witness of the Spirit (Assurance) was one of the key doctrinal emphases of Methodism and was confirmed by Wesley’s own experience and by that of many of his followers.

        The full assurance of faith is the Holy Spirit’s witness to a person who has been regenerated and entirely sanctified. It is the removal of all doubt and fear when the heart is perfected in love. For Wesley and the Methodists this was not an assurance about the future, but about the present inner state of the believer.

        It was also known in early Methodism as baptism wth the Holy Spirit. Wesley:

        That we must be baptized with the Holy Spirit, implies this and no more, that we cannot be renewed in righteousness and true holiness, any otherwise than by being overshadowed, quickened, and animated by that blessed Spirit.

        Wesley’s answer on how we are to wait for this change: Not in careless indifference, or indolent inactivity; but in vigorous, universal obedience, in a zealous keeping of all the commands, in watchfulness and painfulness, in denying ourselves, and taking up our cross daily; as well as in earnest prayer and fasting, and a close attendance on all the ordinances of God.

        That Wesley and early Methodist emphasis is a revival of the ancient Eastern teaching can be seen by similar themes found in the writings of Isaac of Nineveh / Isaac the Syrian (c. 613-700):

        The worth of actions is gauged by the degree of the love of God which inspires them. This theme is found in Wesley’s tract “Character of a Methodist” and also in the letters of Saint Antony the Great.

        By the thoughts which stir within, a man may learn to what grade of holiness he has risen. This is also found in Saint Antony.

        One of the most important tasks is the acquisition of apatheia or impassibility (Russian: бесстрастия). The term is used in ascetic theology in the Eastern Church. When applied to God, as one of the attributes of God. When applied to man, used as a term for Christian perfection, denoting mastery of the passions or serenity (peace).

        The most common theme is that the pure in heart will see God (Matthew 5:8).

        The action of the Holy Spirit can lead to overshadowing (a term used by Wesley). The intellect is seized and dilated. Another term for this is a taste of the kingdom of heaven. Early Methodists spoke about this.

        Some common terms for Christian Perfection:

        Happy in God

        The kingdom within

        Filled with the Spirit

        Sealed with the Spirit

        Witness of the Spirit (Assurance)

        Clothed with power from on high

        The Promise of the Father

        The Anointing

        Oil from Heaven

        Warm in the Spirit

        Baptism with the Spirit

        The Spirit of Adoption

        Perfect Love

        Spiritual Canaan

        The Mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16)

        The Comfort of the Spirit

        God’s Rest

        Entire Sanctification

        The Second Blessing

        Overshadowing of the Spirit

        Quickening of the Spirit

        Being animated by the Spirit

        Intoxicated or Inebriated with the Spirit (New Wine)

        Liberty of the Spirit

        The Living Water (Live Agua, Agua Vida)

        Wells bubbling over (overflowing) from innermost being



        Free Flowing Salt

        Having the Salt in ourselves (Mark 9:50)

  23. Is there a way to get a copy of your article,” Why You Shouldn’t Use Liturgy in Your Worship”? I have a niece that read it once and would like to reread. The link you shared October , 2015 no longer works. Thanks.

    • Unfortunately, since that article was to someone else’s work, the fact that it has now been taken down means that I can’t access it, either! Alas.

  24. Hello,

    I have found out this blog for first time recently and had tried to access article ”Ten books on Classics” but link is dead. Is there this book list somewhere else?

    The blog is really great!


  25. Did you know would ‘coined’ the wording RC? and when?? and why??? from Trevor in New Zealand.

    • I don’t know! I know it was used in the 20th c by ppl like Henry Chadwick to describe Anglicanism, but that doesn’t answer the when q. The why is bc the historic Protestant faith has always considered itself an expression of the historic catholic faith, so this is a way of expressing that truth in a context where the word catholic is usually used of the Roman Church.

  26. Please consider,      This message, that is for all kindred, and tongues, and nations, people throughout the Earth, deserves an introduction in hopes that it will not be rejected out of hand, either as unimportant or propaganda.       The spiritual discord that is present in the world is due to misunderstanding, and misinterpretation of the word of God.       The forthcoming deserves an entry level explanation:         Spiritual experience that is induced, or initiated, by those who call themselves  spiritual, is not what God intended as true worship. It is God alone who initiates the beginning of a relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. As Jesus said, no man can come to me except my father draw him,Jn. 6:44. The spiritual  occurrences that the prophets, Apostles, and Christ Jesus Himself had were the resulting evidence of the vessel already having become a vessel of honor, meet (fitting ) for the masters use by proof of continued obedience to the gift that God holds out to the believer. Inducing a spiritual experience, though possible, is not the order that God set in place for that which pertains unto righteousness, and holiness, and Godliness. But true, faithful believers wait upon God, they don’t chase him. They are led of His Holy Spirit, not in pursuit of it. Spiritual discord is the result of inordinate worship.        So, in the forthcoming are a few of the things that explain the current state of the world, and the very apparent reasons for those things that are seen to be in confusion, not only as observed by the learned, but even is seen by the casual observer.         As a note on all that is to come to you; I am not a writer, just a faithful servant of the most high God.There will be typos and grammatical errors. But it is not the style of the writing, it is the message that it contains that is important. Apologize in advance if my MacBook duplicates E-mails. It is not intended to annoy you, Just don’t know how to fix it. It is not spam and I seek no personal gain or to proselytize any one except that they may give of themselves to the only living God and worship Him alone.                    In 11 to 12 parts, Lots of Scriptures cited. For those who truly want to know, keep a KJV Bible open. But to the casual reader it is also of great import. If you don’t have convenient time, copy it, store it, it’s free.               1                  

    Rightly spoke the Apostle Paul : grievous wolves did enter in, and men                                                 did  arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them,                                                                                                                    

                   and they have not spared the flock.                                                                                                                                                                                    There is a good reason to be disoriented by the state of the churches of the world. God himself did say: all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean, Isa. 28:8.  And the Spirit has spoken expressly in my ear: all of the pulpits are filthy. They do what they do but feignedly and for a show. And here is why……. Having studied much into inter-religious customs, the ecumenical push toward the unity of all faiths being seemingly worth further investigation, it does most definitely become a proverbial elephant in the room that there is a tie that connects all religions together. Well, all but one very stubborn one. The quest for enlightenment is older than religion itself. The innate desire that is in man has said to his soul ,wouldn’t it have been great to be able to have done something about the weakness of man? A weakness whereby he is not able to even cheat death. So I’ve heard, said he to his soul, that there is a being call God, or some call him by another name, but never the less he is supposed to never die. He lives forever. Well, said the man further to his soul, I would like to be like that so that I myself would never have to worry about death either, and maybe I’ll see if I can contact this God and see if he’ll show me how it’s done. So man assumed in his heart that there must be some way to contact God. He began looking to the cosmos because there seemed to be such perfect consistency there, those lights must have something to do with him so maybe I’ll start there. So he called unto those lights and lo and behold he heard a voice. The voice was calm and reassuring so he grew accustomed to hearing those voices. The voices taught him things but always gave him the same answer whenever he asked the voices , what shall I do to live forever? All he kept hearing was, you have to do this , And now you have to do that. And when your done doing this and that, you’ll get some more instructions and you will find what you are looking for. But then the One who made those lights and those voices said to the man one day, I made all of those things and they don’t even know how I did it. Will you ask them of the keys to eternal life? And so, King Saul, the first king of Israel, found that he wasn’t hearing the voice of the One who made all things, so he found a way to commune with some of those things that God made to see if they could tell him something, even unto spirits that peep and that mutter, did that man Saul seek. And now, the worlds religions, all with the same problem that King Saul had , burn incense, recite some formula, call on a special name, or sometimes more than one, and ask for a manifestation of something other worldly. And because they all think it must be God answering or that they at least heard from a spirit, whether they perceive it to be a deceased holy person or an angel , they believe that manifestation must have been from God. At least if it wasn’t God himself then it was something that dwells where he is so it must know him. And for them that is good enough. They got their gratification. God must have cared about them so much that he honored their request and showed up or sent another to show up in his stead. Oftentimes quite an emotional experience even so joyous that they are ecstatic to have been so fortunate so as to have God give presence. I must be holy, they think to themselves and even think it out loud often times when recounting their experience. Yes, the Jews do it. The Orthodox Christians do it. The Catholics do it. Philosophers do it. Hindus do it. Muslims , Bhuddist, Dervishes, Santeria’s, Voodoos, Wiccans, Helena Blavatsky, Emmanuel Kant, Plato, Socrates, Aryeh Caplan, Henry More, Isaac Luria, Albert Pike, Augustine , Aquinas, and the list goes on, Carl Jung, Monastics, Ascetics, Native Indians of every country , Aboriginals, even many government military and intelligence apparatus invest much time , money and research into hearing something from the other side. From a realm unknown to man. But he wants to know. And so all of the worlds belief systems that seek to delve in to things of the unknown, spiritual things, all religions and even secular entities, every philosophical school, ethical or no , every theological school, all do have a common thread that seems to give them a unifying theme. All except that one stubborn group that refuse to fall into that way. They refuse to fall into that way because God said don’t do it, and they choose to respect God’s judgement ,making his judgement their own. That is the exercising of their right to choose that which is right in His sight and to avoid that which He hates. That group doesn’t have to burn incense according to the customs of the law. They don’t have to hold their bodies in a certain way or control their breathing. They don’t do anything in a ritualistic way. And they certainly don’t ask for the Holy Spirit to come or for God’s presence. Why? Because God is already in those believers who are baptized with the Holy Ghost. If God is already in them then why do they ask continually for the Holy Spirit to show up ? They have been baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Ghost. Two different things. And so those who are only baptized in water, or maybe not baptized at all, called for the manifestation of a spirit. And one, often times, shows up. Hermetic Philosophers seeking an elevated conscience through mystical works, and seeks a metaphysical explanation of reality beyond the natural senses or a quest for their inner divinity resort to witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, dealing with familiar spirits , divination. All things which God condemned as abominations, but you say, we do it differently, we don’t do it the way God hates it. Where in the scriptures did God outline the parameters for acceptable forms of witchcraft ? Seeking unto anything but God for answers is idolatry. That is why God said, they are mad upon ( because of ) their idols, Jer.50:38. Now believers who are baptized in the Holy Ghost need not seek because he is already there, though he has given to no one, as of yet, the fullness of the Spirit , as he did his Christ, unless any one member of the household of God should be exalted. That is why there are different offices and diversities of gifts all distributed as the Holy Spirit will. This all initiated by God alone. He gets a hold of you. You don’t get ahold of him. So when those who are not baptized in the Holy Ghost ask for a spirit to manifest, what shows up? Look around you. You see all of the names that have been named here, known kabbalists, or if Christian, cabbalists, known practitioners of curious arts, known entities, secular and spiritual who all use the same techniques that have been known to man and were made known to man since the fall of Adam. Are they all of one accord? Why not? Are they all holy? Why not? Which of you can say you are Holy without your conscience pricking your heart, who do such things,  except ye be reprobate? All who use the same techniques and say, I have seen or I have dreamed, ( dreams induced by ritual and craft, Jer. 29:8 KJV ), you are spiritually scattered. The book of Jude defined those who do such things as filthy dreamers, Jude Vs. 8. Dreams that are caused, I say, Induced by ritual and craft. Does this offend you? The word of God tells it like it is, and I cannot but do the same. God is not the author of confusion, so who has caused all of the spiritual disarray amongst all of the earthly princes and principalities that their doctrines are so far apart? And you think more metaphysics is the answer. For thousands of years since the world began , sorcery has not been the answer. What Paul warned Timothy when he said, science falsely so called. The philosophers called Paul a babbler, who spoke and wrote by the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost in him. By which Spirit all of the Holy men of God did speak as reported by Peter. And by this also, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy. And how did the apostles, disciples all of the prophets of old and every believer receive the testimony of Jesus but by the Holy Spirit? Even the children of Israel that God delivered out of Egypt followed that spiritual rock which was Christ. But now when you pray, God send your Holy Spirit, you testify that you are not baptized in the Spirit of truth because if you were you would know that you don’t have to continually ask for that which God has already given, that abides with you forever, except you fail to honor the gift by true obedience and thanks giving for the gift of God. That stubborn group knows this. Those ones that refuse that which is profane and abominable in the sight of God. When he said don’t do it that is exactly what he meant, don’t do it. You who call and ask for a spirit to come and make itself known don’t even know what is showing up. You are yet spiritually in Egypt. And how could you know, if you have not humbled yourselves before God knowing that he doesn’t need you , you need him. When some certain men, who before Paul, made themselves out to be somebody, Paul gave them no place saying that these added nothing to him. When Mesopotamia had received the gospel , the locals brought all their books of the curious arts ,( witchcraft, necromancy, dealing with familiar spirits, ( astral planing )) and burned fifty thousand shekels worth. A lot of money in those days. Must have been a lot of books. When the gospel came they knew that pertaining to righteousness and holiness and Godliness by and in and through Christ Jesus the firstborn of God ( Yes born again ) they only needed one book to learn of the way of life. Moreover, they believed the word that was spoken that Jesus and God would make their abode in them, by the same Spirit of holiness, Jn. 14:17, 23, so now they are taught and led of the Holy Ghost. They keep themselves unspotted from the world, knowing that the whole world lies in wickedness, 1JN.5:19. They know that there is a broad gate and a narrow one ,  Matt.7:13-14, so they do not run with the majority, to do evil, Ex.23:2.  ( If they testify false doctrines , do they not testify against God and against his Christ? ) True born again, faithful , obedient believers , in Christ, laugh if a man tells them that if they are forced by an employer to work on a Sunday to try not to steal anything on that day, as one sect tells their congregation. ( The same sect of which their ritual for the deceased reads like the Egyptian book of the dead ) True and worthy believers laugh because being filled with the Spirit of holiness and truth they wouldn’t steal any thing on any day. Neither lie neither cheat neither be deceitful in any way whatsoever because they abide in Christ, and in him is no sin. They are one with God by the baptism of Christ by the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus is one with God , as John wrote by the Spirit of Christ when He gave his testimony in the book called John. The doctrine of one is by the Holy Ghost. Not without the believer , but within him, twenty four/seven/ three hundred and sixty five, not to exclude leap year. The unity that you seek , you will never find it by pretending to fly around through the cosmos. The communion with God that you seek, you will never find it unless you are baptized in the Holy Ghost. Those that will hear, will hear, those that will forbear, will forbear. The nations will be gathered together to fight against the lord and against his anointed. What will be their unity? Witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, dealing with familiar spirits, divination. Because they love the darkness more than the light. But God has his true church, where he dwells, in a temple not made with hands. Who will survive the day of his coming and who shall stand when he appears? They that have clean hands and pure hearts, washed and cleansed by the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of all believers who believe and obey the voice of One God. May the grace and the love of God abide all of his faithful with all mercy, Amen.      

    Just because there are so many lies out there, doesn’t mean there is no truth.      

    There are a multitude of evil spirits. They are called evil because they are. But there is only one Holy Spirit. Worship God.       

    I am not a pastor. I have no church building. Don’t want one. Just want those who are his to be his.This is not copywritten, there is no other work like it out there though,  It is the truth given of God and is for all ears. Feel free to broad cast it every where and in every place. But please keep it in it’s entirety., unedited, with all of it’s typos and gramatical errors in order to preserve the content and context of what God has given for to be heard by every kindred, and tongue, and nation,  and,  at such a time, as he saw fit.                                                                         

  27. 5
    So, Way to many people have tried to, and way too many more people actually have come up with some kind of explanation as to why God is doing this. It’s simpler than they make it out to be. The big philosophical, why are we here? Well satan, a creature that God made, whether spirit or substance we can’t tell. But the scriptures say that he can be either or, depending .This creature defied God who made him. Challenged him. And quite simply God, in so many words said OK, let’s do this. But we’ll do it in righteousness. Now, many of the host of heaven, which God also made, went away with satan and rebelled as well. So here was the setting : God made flesh, which is weak and susceptible to influence and said to the devil you do what you can to win them over to your side with all your multitude of your devil followers, and I’ll counter with my One Spirit and we’ll see about this. Now If you have read your book, then you know that God made choice of all that would be his, from even before he made the world. As it is written, the works were finished from before the foundations of the world. Those chosen in Christ God knows, but satan doesn’t know until they are baptized in the Holy Ghost. At least, satan doesn’t perceive them to be a real challenge until they are. The stakes are this: God made choice ahead of time so that means that if satan can turn just one of God’s chosen, then the scripture would be broken that was spoken by God’s ambassador Jesus Christ, who said when he prayed in the garden of gethsemane, of all that you have given me, I have lost none, except for the one that the scripture might be fulfilled, the son of perdition,Jn. Ch17. So this, God is so righteous and so fair that he even gave satan a level playing field, so to speak. If satan thought that he didn’t even have a chance why would he play? Satan wouldn’t cooperate if he thought the scenario was rigged. Well, the foil that God put in place is your flesh. Every time you deny satan you glorify God. Every time you fulfill satans will you glorify satan. So , the reward? It must be good or else satan wouldn’t be fighting jealously so hard for what believing overcomers of this world are going to get, that true believers know, satan just simply cheated himself out of by thinking to start an argument with the God who has all power. And there is none greater. Glory to the most high God who gives his beloved children the victory by and in and through the lord Jesus Christ. Firstborn of many sons that he will bring unto glory. Amen. This world is temporary and is only here for this purpose. God will make a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells only righteousness, peace, and the love of God. Him that will hear, let him hear. Him that will forbear, let him forbear. This is the short version. The long version starts in Genesis chapter one, and ends with Revelation chapter twenty two. Yes, Its that simple. But now you must go learn what God wants you to do to be saved. And when you commit , commit the keeping of your soul unto Him with all of your heart, all of your mind, all of your soul, and all of your strength. Wouldn’t God know if your just faking it? God is no fool, and He IS NOT MOCKED. The gospel is not an ‘Oh glory to me thing’. For me personally I know that without Him I am nothing. I know by whom I have been taught. I have gotten nothing but by His word and by his Spirit that he gave for that purpose. Glory to the most high God alone who has written it and is more than able to do it.
    Now, following on the previous. It is good and right to counsel according to the will of God. As believers become aware of the grace of God and the power of God in them, even the power to overcome the world. Take heed to not be high minded but fear, ,Rom. 11:20-21. And, it is written; rejoice not when your enemy stumbles and falls lest God see it, and be displeased. And lest he take his hand off of thine enemy and place it on thee. Prov. 24:17-18. Now as Paul said : are the righteous better than they are? The answer is no, no way. Because  being in Christ does’t mean that you can not fall again. Because of the flesh body, that all are still in, the sinful nature is still there. But, the inclination to sin by that nature is entirely subdued, by the power of the Holy Spirit as the believer obeys God purposefully and with intent of heart.  That condition is what Jesus said when he said, to him that  overcomes the world, Rev. 3:21. It can’t be done without the help of God. So, obedient believers are not better, but they are different because they don’t act upon the sin nature that they were born with, but have teamed up with God to accomplish that which is well pleasing unto him, by walking with, and in, the divine nature that was promised, the power of the Holy Ghost. Now, true obedient Christians should not be persecuted because they think they are better because they are not. But with all forms of prejudice, they are persecuted because they are different. Neither should a Christian persecute another because they are not a Christian because God made them both and he alone is the judge. Every man is to use the judgement given them of God, but not to infringe upon another man’s right. God forces no one, but only presents choices. Neither should any force another. That is the way of peace, and peace is of God.                   

  28. 8
      Warn the righteous man that the righteous sin not,  Ezekiel 3:21    Exodus 20:20. Romans  6:15

    Who had it worse, Abel or Cain . If you say Abel , you are wrong. Abel lost his life physically. But Cain , though still alive physically, lost his life spiritually. Abel is at rest in the Lord. Absent from the body , present with the Lord. Abel is dead , but yet shall live. Cain died because of sin and shall never see rest neither shall he see life in the resurrection. And so it is written ; he that loses his life for my name sake shall keep it and he that seeks to keep his life shall lose it. This allegory speaks to whether a man will chose to cling to his old sinful man or accept the newness of life in Christ by forsaking his old sinful nature and being renewed by the baptism of the Holy Ghost and become partakers of the divine nature. 2 Peter 1:4 . Forsaking means you are done with it, Matt . 19 :27-29. Col . 3 : 8-10. To die to sin means to kill the old nature. When the old man is dead , it’s dead and doesn’t come back again , Romans 8:13 , Col. 3:5. To mortify is to embalm . The Holy Spirit is the embalmer, if you truly do honor the gift of God. When you are washed you are washed. When you are cleansed you are cleansed ,one time. Because Jesus Christ offered the will of his flesh up to God one time in receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost and remained sinless from that point to his last breath on earth, Why would he expect less of those who he called friends , John 15:14, and who are become joint -heirs with him , Romans 8:17 . Because he gave himself one time, if we sin willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, which is the baptism of the Holy Ghost, Hebrews 10:26, says, if we sin willfully. Now, the church interpreters use the Greek word apostasy , Which means rebellion. The problem is with the word apostasy which is commonly used as a thought on the term falling away as used in Heb.6:6, fall away. Those who wish to find excuse for sinning, use the word apostasy in the terms of renouncing God, the church, and Christ, and place that thought as the thought that is being conveyed by the term fall away, as though it is something more serious than sin, and pretend that there is an acceptable, or easily forgivable, amount of sin that God allows up to that point. The truth is that any sin is falling away, no matter how slight , if it is done  after that the believer has received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. It is rebellion no less if it is committed with conscious knowledge. That is why Heb. 10:26 says, if we sin willfully. It is to be coupled with Heb. 6:6, for this reason. Sin is sin. There again those who twist the scriptures try to move the goalpost, or blur the lines, so to speak, to try to frame an argument that there is an acceptable amount of sin, or that there are some sins that are more serious than others. God did not blur the lines, man did. There are no grey areas in the doctrine of God, which is salvation in Christ. There are no made up reasons why believers have to keep coming to a church building for forgiveness. If you gave your heart to God, and you were serious about it, then you did it one time, as Jesus gave himself one time, then remained without sin. God gave His Holy Spirit to dwell in the believer to help with that. So where is the blessedness that they speak of, who say, you need us, who with their mouths declare that they are sinners, and their behavior shows the proof of it? The scripture did not say with lightness that this people draw near to me with their lips, but with their hearts they are far from me, Matt.15:8. And also, they profess that they know God, but in works (their habits, their customs, their traditions, willful sin) they deny him. Titus 1:16. If Christ is in you , and you are in him, where is an allowable amount of willful sin suggested in the scripture that says, in him is no sin?,1Jn 3:5 & Ch. This doctrine is not my own but His that sent me. For I know nothing by myself , neither have I received anything but what I have been given , John 3:27. May the grace and the love of God be in your hearts to consider sincerely what I have written, by my wife’s hand, in sincerity.                                                            

  29.    4a                 Again, one might say, Well Jesus said, Think not that I’m come to destroy the law and the prophets….. , so the law is still of effect. Wrong. The scripture twisters would have you to believe that, not only to keep you needing them , but it adds pomp to their show. They don’t report to you that which Jesus said in the very same verse , I’ve come to fulfill it, Matt. 5:17. If Jesus came to fulfill the law, then it had an end, it is fulfilled. The scripture twisters are known to use partial verses to make a non-existent point while intentionally neglecting to use other parts of scripture that disproves their false doctrine that they have developed in order to deceive. Hebrews chapter 7 speaks to that saying the law is disannulled, Heb.7:18, and in another place the law was to be abolished, 2Cor.3:13. that is the abolishing of the necessity of the law being applied as a means of salvation, Romans 10:4. Moreover the scripture of truth reports that it is sin to return to the law, Gal.2:16-21. Therefore there is no such viable term as Judeo-Christianity, it is an oxymoron. The two belief systems are contrary one to the other. Do the Jews who are under the law have christ? Some say , well I have both. Are they justified by the law? No. You are fallen from grace who think that you are justified by the law, Gal.5:4. So, if the law and the Grace of God by the faith of Jesus Christ can not be blended together, will you then join some other of the worlds religious beliefs unto the faith of Christ Jesus? Then it is said, spiritual fornication is sin, James 4:4-8, (in it’s proper context). Which sin they commit in pretending to fly around the cosmos looking for answers or means of accomplishing a venture, which it has been clearly shown that all of the worlds religions do, and are called harlots for this cause, ( see:1Cor.6:15,16.) Do you not see the allegory as framed here? Why would a seemingly fleshly example not apply also to that which is spiritual? And , if you do not see it, Then are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ become applicable, If I tell you of earthly things and you believe not ( understand not ), how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things?, Jn.3:12                                                                              4b                                       So now, Let’s address one of the final bastions of the lie perpetrated by that which calls itself the church. Did Paul call himself a sinner in 1Tim.1:15 when he said he was chief. For the sake of forgiveness of his past sins he said this. Do you not perceive Paul’s mind of contrition and humility in so saying? He feared the fall of self exaltation in that he said of himself in another place, that he counted not himself as having attained, he still had the rest of his life to live, and be proven. ( Read Phil. 3:12-21 ). Simply put, Paul had not yet received the final changes spoken of in that segment and also in other places such as, 1Jn. 3:2, Rom 8:19, 2Thes. 1:10, 1Cor. 15:32, and even Job looked for, Jb. 14;14. Moreover, to support this point,  Paul called it slander to accuse the Apostles, the disciples of doing evil that good may come when he said also in that same place, Am I yet judged as a sinner? That was a question, not a statement. ( if you are not using a KJV you are in the wrong book ) Because he answered the question right after that with this statement, and not rather, ( as we be slanderously reported, and as liars so state that we say. paraphrased for truth ). And Paul also said in another place, if we judge ourselves, we should not be judged, 1Cor. 11:31. Also Paul said, abstain from all appearance of evil, 1Thes 5:22. And again, that they had renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, 2Cor. 4:2. Nothing can give men right judgement but the Spirit of God, The Holy Ghost. This same Paul who said, awake to righteousness and sin not, 1Cor.15:34, why would he call himself a sinner, seeing that if hypocrisy and double mindedness was far from Christ it is also far from all who are are baptized in, and walk in, the Holy Spirit of the living God. Paul also said of himself with confidence that there was laid up in heaven for him a crown ( reward ) of righteousness, 2Tim. 4:7-8, not because he was a sinner, but because he was righteous. Because as Paul also said, if we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, Gal.5:16. He said this not because he was celibate, as some might say that he meant. But there are many inordinate lusts of the flesh. All forms of sin are being spoken of when Paul said, you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, 1 Jn.2:16, Gal. 5:19-21, Eph. 5:3-6, and 1Tim. 1:9-10 which states another list of evil works and then says, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine. That statement, if there be any other thing, covers all that the flesh could conceive. So not having attained yet doesn’t mean that believers baptized in the Holy Ghost are sinners, it simply means that as you forget those things which are behind and reach for the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, Phil. 3:13-14, and  remember where you have been, in your past way of life,  and not be high minded, but fear, Rom. 11:20, as you walk as one renewed,  as a new creature in Christ, because it is possible to fall again to your former state, a fall from whence there is no recovery once you have  known the truth and have been baptized with the Spirit of truth. Heb. 6:4-6. This heart of contrition and humility is what Paul expressed in that he feared God, knowing that his salvation was yet contingent upon continued utmost obedience, as that is the proper following of the example that Christ Jesus left us. A thing which Paul understood well. Wasn’t Christ tempted all the days of his ministry from the moment of his baptism in the Holy Ghost? Yet he overcame the world by the same Spirit. So it is with every believer who is sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. God won’t break that seal, as long as the believer doesn’t break it either. Now, how would the believer who is baptized in the Holy Ghost break that seal? By sinning with knowledge that it is sin that he is doing while he’s doing sin, Heb. 10:26. Things that Paul wrote about. There is no hypocrisy with the word of God. Only with men who do not know the truth, or if they know it, they are unable to perform it because they have not yielded themselves fully to it. And so it is written by Peter when he said, some of Paul’s writings are hard to be understood, which things they wrest ( twist ) unto their own destruction, 2Peter 3:14-18.                        Now, this immutable thing, another lie is exposed, and this stronghold of a lie is also broken down.                                                                                                                                                                         4c                                             Jesus said receive ye the Holy Ghost. whose soevers  sins you remit, they are remitted unto them, and whose soevers sins you retain, they are retained, Jn. 20:22-23. And Paul said, If I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it I did it in the person of Christ, 2Cor. 2:10. Is there sin in christ?, Galatians 2:17. Is there sin in the Holy Ghost? Is there sin in the household of God? The unity is of God’s Holy Spirit.  Are sinners appointed of God to forgive sinners? Or to condemn them? Are sinners appointed of God to seek unto God for the forgiveness of other sinners? That very principle is a lie and goes against the word of God. This is not to dissemble the church, God forbid , but this is to discern the world visible church from those that are hidden in God’s hand.                                               while they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption, 2Peter 2:19                                               Verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. John 8:34                                                 No servant can serve two masters. Luke 16:13                                       

    Now, the revelation, and understanding, that is timely; If sinners, that can not cease from sin, 2Pet. 2:14, keep asking God to forgive them over and over again, who, in so doing, are continually crucifying the son of God afresh, putting him to an open shame, Heb. 6:4-6, or simply were never forgiven in the first place because they were not sincere of heart and God knew it; that which calls itself the church, is taking from them for nought and the comers thereto are receiving nothing that will avail any thing toward their salvation. That is called stealing. And those who are baptized in the Holy Ghost, who do not grieve the Holy Spirit of the living God. But are faithful with all their heart, as the Lord Jesus was during the time that he walked in the Spirit on the earth, who have no need of asking God to forgive them continually because they do not sin willfully, this worldly church system does nothing for them either. The church that calls themselves sinners (and rightly so, for out of their own mouths )and walks not in the Spirit of Christ is as the seven sons of Sceva, who for gain usurped the name of Christ, Acts 19:13-16. Is it right in the sight of God for those who call themselves sinners to rob the blind? if they are blind themselves and don’t know it, they could see their error and change. If they do know it, then God will judge them according to what they knew when they did those deeds.        And there is more                                                                          

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